What Is the Average Cost of CPR Certification Classes In Las Vegas?

What is the average cost of CPR Certification Classes In Las Vegas

If you’re considering learning CPR, you might be asking, “What is the average cost of CPR certification Classes in Las Vegas?” There are plenty of options for those interested in getting CPR and First Aid training classes, whether in person or blended. When it comes to CPR, as the ultimate medical strategy to potentially save the life of someone that’s lost consciousness or stopped breathing, a health organization like the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross strongly suggest citizens of Las Vegas become trained in CPR.

However, even with all the recommendations by health organizations, only half of Americans know how to perform CPR, or more specifically 54%, think they know how to perform CPR. The other half might not understand the importance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and why it is the go-to medical technique to save someone’s life.

Whichever the case might be, it’s good to know that everyone can attend a CPR class and become certified — whether it’s exclusively online, through a blended learning model, or in person. To that end, we researched the prices of different CPR classes in the Las Vegas area.

In addition, we’ll show detailed information about what’s included in a CPR class, how long the certification is valid, and which employee profiles need to be CPR-certified.

Breaking Down The Average Cost of CPR Certification Classes in Las Vegas

Before taking a CPR class, you should be sure of the type of CPR class you’re looking to take before anything else. From adult CPR to Workplace CPR, we’ll showcase the different types along with the average cost of each.

CPR & First Aid Training

Besides basic CPR, some classes combine First Aid as well. If you choose to take this type of class, you’ll gain valuable knowledge on how to treat and behave around victims of trauma, bleeding, fractures, and so on. Moreover, in this type of CPR class in Las Vegas, you’ll be taught how to respond to a choking victim, a victim suffering burns, and other severe and potentially life-threatening injuries.

In addition, CPR & first aid training also teaches participants how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED).

  • Average cost: from $40-$60 per person.

Adult CPR

Adult CPR is probably the most straightforward type of CPR that can be acquired within an hour. This form of CPR covers essential CPR basics for adults, teens, and children over 8 years old. Adult CPR is the perfect choice for people looking to attain general knowledge of CPR as well as those who take care of an older individual.

An adult CPR class can include details on how to use an AED. Price-wise, the class might cost differently, depending on the course’s length and content.

  • Average cost: from $20-$55 per individual.

Basic Life Support Classes for Healthcare Providers

A BLS class, which is short for basic life support, is a pre-requirement for healthcare workers and emergency medical staff. In this course, people will learn how to use an AED and other typical ventilation devices. If you’re considering a career in the healthcare industry, a BLS class is a must.

  • Average cost: from $60 to $80 per person.

Pediatric CPR Classes

This form of CPR is an essential requirement for childcare providers tending to children younger than 8 years. Because children require a more delicate medical approach, pediatric CPR teaches individuals how to administer rescue breaths and chest compressions properly.

For instance, pediatric CPR classes guide participants through learning that, unlike typical adult CPR, performing chest compressions on a child requires using only one hand, or two fingers for infants.

  • Average cost: From $25-$40 per individual.

Workplace CPR Training

CPR for the workplace is one of the most common types of CPR practiced throughout the U.S., Las Vegas included. The class teaches participants how to be prepared in the case of a medical emergency in compliance with the OSHA safety requirements for the workplace.

Unlike the other types of CPR described above, CPR training for the workplace is done in groups. Regarding the cost of the class, the price varies depending on the content included and the materials used (flashcards, adult & infant manikin lungs, and so on).

In addition, the cost of the class also depends on the number of participants in the group, and there’s a minimum requirement for participants — the more participants, the higher the price.

  • Average cost: $35-$45 per person; minimum fees: $280-$320 for a class of 8 learners.

How Long Does CPR Certification Classes in Las Vegas Take?

In general, the majority of CPR classes in Las Vegas will last for a few hours. Depending on which CPR class you take, you’ll be taught how to perform life saving CPR on adults, infants, and children. Moreover, you’ll learn how to detect and recognize signs of cardiac arrest and other medical emergencies and respond accordingly.

When the time to assess your knowledge comes, you’ll take a final test comprising multiple-choice questions. To pass the exam, you’ll need to score at least 70%; if you fail to do so, you can always retake the test.

Upon completion, you’ll receive your CPR certificate as a printable PDF option to use right away. Once issued, the certification card will be valid for two years, after which renewal is due.

Advantages of Online CPR Classes

Besides being able to perform the selfless act of saving a life, online CPR classes come with other perks, such as the following:

  • Adaptable study hours and locations (you can take the class from anywhere and at any time);
  • No restrictions on time you need to learn the material;
  • Quality courses using materials prepared by health experts;
  • Classes are conveyed by a trained and experienced instructor;
  • The option to retake the final test;
  • Practice tests;
  • Instant grading;
  • Getting a printable PDF certification card;
  • A hard copy of the certificate shipped by mail to your address;
  • Perfect for busy individuals.

Who Needs To Consider the Average Cost of CPR Certification Classes in Las Vegas

Since the 2015-2016 school year, the Senate and Assembly of Nevada made CPR training mandatory for high school graduation. The bill was updated in 2017, but the basic provisions remain the same. 

Other than almost-graduating high school students, teachers in Las Vegas are also obligated to be trained in CPR. Moreover, employers in the state of Nevada will ask their employees to be CPR-certified. In some cases, the certificate is required by law due to the nature of the job, while in others, it’s up to the employer to decide whether to make CPR training mandatory. Here are some of the employee profiles that may be required to be knowledgeable (and certified) in CPR:

  • Swimming and diving coaches and everyone employed at aquatic centers;
  • Educational staff that’s in contact with children and teenagers (teachers, administrators, custodians, etc.);
  • Firefighters;
  • Policemen;
  • Correction officers;
  • Security guards;
  • Anyone within the childcare industry (babysitters, nannies, daycare staff, etc.);
  • Fitness instructors and anyone involved in delivering physical activity exercises to adults, teens, and children;
  • Social workers;
  • Receptionists, administrators, and anyone employed at the dentist’s office;
  • Volunteers;
  • Construction workers;
  • Employees in retail and the food industry.

Final Words: What’s the Average Cost of CPR Certification Classes in Las Vegas?

As we mentioned, the average cost of CPR certification classes in Las Vegas will depend on the materials used, the duration of the class, as well as the service provider. In most cases, you can expect to pay less than $30 for a course in basic CPR, but should you need to learn pediatric CPR, for example, you can expect to pay anywhere from $25-$40.

If your budget is rather tight and you believe you can’t afford a typical CPR class, opting for the online variant is always a good idea. Besides gaining valuable knowledge on CPR and how to help save someone’s life, you’ll also be able to do it from the comfort of your own home and at your convenience.

Whether you’re looking to enroll in CPR & First Aid training or need to complete Workplace CPR training because your employer requires you to, online CPR classes will save the day and not strain your budget. Now you should have a better understanding of the average cost of CPR certification classes in Las Vegas.